Sunday, February 26, 2006

Episode 5

Date: 26/2/05 13:29 [rooftop]

Dear Diary,
The meeting is over and Henry said that i did a good job. The introduction goes like this:

me: Good morning to all. I am your new Director from today onwards. Although there's a change of Director, but i hope that your attitude towards your work will not change. I know some might feel that i'm not up to this job as your Director, but i shall try my best in being a responsible Director that can lead the company to success.

Phew. I so worried about the workers not accepting me. But i found a place to relieve stress. Which is where i am now, at the rooftop of our company building. I discovered it by chance while i left for the conference meeting. So here i am, writing the diary. The handphone that Henry gave me kept ringing, but i don't feel like answering the calls, and so, i switched it off. If i answer the call, it will definitely be back-to-work time. I know that when Henry finds me here, i am so dead. But till then, i shall relax here.


Date: 26/2/05 14:57 [in the restaurant]

Dear Diary,
In the end, someone did find me at the rooftop, but it wasn't Henry, but Derek. It turns out that both of us find this place relaxing. But he seemed to have guessed that i haven't had lunch, which i forgot till he reminded me. So he brought me to this restaurant where i ate my lunch hungrily. He took my handphone and entered his handphone number in it, saying if i want to relax at the rooftop, ask him along. As if i would. I'd rather relax on my own. He seemed to have guessed that from my look and said that even if i don't invite him, he'll still go. Which is so annoying. I forgot that i was avoiding the calls from Henry because when my phone rang, i went and picked it up, only to realise that it's from Henry. He sounded quite annoyed and after i told him where am i, he said that he'd be there right away. Derek guessed from my perplexed look that the call was from his elder brother and looked as if i'm a pig that is going to be slaughtered.


Date: 26/2/05 15:44 [back in office]

Dear Diary,
It was so scary just now. The two brothers almost fought in front of me if i hadn't stopped them in time. When Henry came to the restaurant, he was quite surprised to see Derek, as i forgot to tell him that it was Derek who brought me there. Thus i informed him this piece of news, which he did not seem to digest. Derek was quite annoyed when i stood up to leave with Henry, saying that Henry is treating me like a dog, which i do not agree. He then said something about Henry treating even his girlfriend in this way, and not treasuring her, causing her to leave him. This seems to make Henry fumed in anger and pulled Derek by his collar and telling him to shut up. Derek does not seems afraid and said that Henry is just unhappy that he reminded him of the wrong he did to Jennifer, someone whom i do not know. Hearing this, Henry gave Derek a punch and just as Derek was about to retaliate, i told them to stop their childish act in public. I don't know why i said that, but i seemed so calm. They seemed to have realised how childish they are, because Henry just walked away and i had no choice but to leave with him.

Henry was driving at such a fast speed that i had to remind him that in his car sits the Director of his company and if i died, he is going to be responsible. He turned and gave me a cold-glare before driving at a slower speed, as if i'm at fault. Which in fact, i am. If i had not refuse to answer his calls when i'm at the rooftop or left with Derek to have lunch, this would not happen.

Henry sent me back to my office and told me not to run about again, as i'm now the director of the company and should anything happen to me, the company will be chaotic. He is so weird. I really wonder who Jennifer is.



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