Friday, February 24, 2006

Episode 1

Date: 13/2/05 19:05 [in my room]

Dear Diary,
Hello, my name is Li Yi Heng, but everyone calls me XiaoBai. They say its because i'm as pure as snow. I live with my adopted parents in a comfortable little home in TaiPei, but i never once felt the warmth that a home usually haves. From young, my adopted parents never stayed with me for more than three days. They are very busy people, and when i was young, they would always make Uncle James, their best friend, to come and accompany him. Uncle James often brings me to the beach and all sorts of fun places. However, due to some reasons, when i was 12, Uncle James stopped coming to visit me. I have never seen him since, but i seemed to still remember his kind face. Since young, i have promised myself that when i grow up, i must find someone as nice as Uncle James to marry. But i have not found that special person yet. Every year, my birthday wish is to meet Uncle James again to repay him of his kindness, and this year it is not going to change. Tomorrow, i will make the same wish, and hopefully the wish will come true.

Today Mum and Dad will be returning to Taiwan, but they say that they will not be joining me for lunch or dinner. They must have importants matters to attend to, but its okay, tomorrow they will join me to celebrate my birthday anyway. I can't wait! This will be the first time they will celebrate my birthday with me since i was five. Maybe they might bring Uncle James along too! It's not impossible, you know.

Till next time,


Date: 14/2/05 00:10 [hospital, outside emergency ward]

Dear Diary,
It's 12am now, and i'm now 21. But i'm in the hospital outside the emergency ward. Last night, i waited for Mum and Dad until i dozed off at my room. I was awoken by the sound of the telephone. It was from a policeman. He told me that Mum and Dad met with an accident and i was to come to the hospital immediately. I was praying a while ago for them when i saw a man being pushed out of the emergency room. I guess he must have met with an accident too. I prayed for him to get well soon.


Date: 14/2/05 03:45 [Mum & Dad's ward]

Dear Diary,
The housekeeper, whom i address as Auntie is here. She found out what had happened and rushed here. Although Mum and Dad are out of the emergency ward, they still have not woken up. I went out for a walk and also visited the man whom i saw being pushed out of the emergency ward a while ago. He had woken up and i chatted with him for a while after his family left for home. It turns out he indeed was met with an accident and at about the same time as Mum and Dad too. He asked about my name and i introduced myself. He looked a bit wide-eyed, maybe because he still have not digest the shock he had during the accident. Thus, i made my leave and returned to Mum and Dad's ward.


Date: 14/2/05 06:33 [In a taxi]

Dear Diary,
Mum and Dad's heart stopped beating and i fetched a doctor. The doctor and nurses tried reviving them with no avail. It was announced that they died at 05:46, and the housekeeper started crying. We both cried for a while, and i went to visit the man before leaving. I told him about their deaths, and he looked as shocked as i did a while ago. He comforted me and gave me a pat on the back before i left.


Date: 14/2/05 13:19 [in my room]

Dear Diary,
The house seems flustered after the deaths of Mum and Dad. I overheard the maids discussing about their pay. Many relatives of Mum and Dad came to console me, but everyone seems to forget that today's my birthday. A lawyer came to read out Mum and Dad's will, and it turns out that the only possession of theirs is this house. In addition, they were so busy working just so they could repay their creditors whom they loaned money from when i was young. These relatives must have been their creditors, and had came to ask for money after their deaths. I told Auntie to help me to sell this house, so that i can repay everyone of what Mum and Dad owe them.


Date: 16/2/05 14:47 [in Auntie's guest room]

Dear Diary,
The house is sold, and i paid the wages of the maids as well as Auntie's. I also paid the relatives what Mum and Dad owed them. They seemed pleased, and left without a thank you. I took my belongings and the money that was left and left the house i lived for 20 years. Auntie asked me where am i going, and i told her i have no idea, but i will cope. Auntie wanted to return me her wages, but i refused. I knew she had a family to feed. Auntie told me to stay in her house till i found a place to stay, and i agreed.



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