Saturday, February 25, 2006

Episode 3

Date: 25/2/05 16:52 [in the restroom of the company]

Dear Diary,
Today is so amazing, with so many surprises. It turns out that Henry and Auntie brought me to a company and dashed right into a conference meeting. While running there the workers kept addressing Henry as "General Manager". So Henry is the General Manager of this company, but why did he bring me here? The truth came to light after we entered the conference room. The converation goes like this:

man(1): Henry, there you are! We have been waiting for you! The lawyer is here to read out the will of Director.
man(2): Exactly. He is going to read out the part about what happens to his shares if the girl isn't found.
henry: Seems like there's no more need to.
man(1): Huh? Why?
henry: This girl beside me is the girl my Dad is looking for.(pushes me to the front)
people-in-the-meeting: Huh? What?
man(3): how can you prove?
henry: this lady(points to Auntie) is the housekeeper of hers, and she can prove that this girl is Li YiHeng.
(Auntie nodded)
henry:(turns to me) Do you have your identity card?
(i nodded and took it out for Henry)
henry:(passes my identity card to the lawyer) This is enough prove to show that she is Li YiHeng, the heiress of Dad's shares.
me: WHAT?
henry:(nods, returns me the card) My Dad left his shares to you in his will.
me: But....but i don't even know your Dad!
henry: you know him. He said that you'll understand after you read this letter.(passes the letter to me)

Thus, i took the letter and read it. I have photocopied and pasted it in here:

It'd been 8 years since i last saw you. And i never thought i'd see you again. But i did. You might be confused now, but do you remember the old man you saw at the hospital? The one you visited before and after your parents died? I'm sure you do. That's a memory that is so hard to erase, as it happened on your birthday. I know you must have thought that no one remembered it, but i do. Every year, i would remember and informed your busy parents to buy presents for you. This year, i had finally forced them to stop all their work and bring me along to celebrate your birthday. But unfortunately, the accident happened while your parents were driving me home. I was very worried for them after i awoke, and saw you coming into my ward. Though you have changed over the years, i could still recognise you. You told me that you are Li YiHeng, and your parents just met an accident, and i confirmed that it was you. When you came to my ward again, i knew something must have happened. Your eyes were red and you told me your parents died. Though i felt like crying, i could not do so in front of you. I comforted you and after your departure did the tears from my eyes pour out.

The next day, after i left the hospital, i went to change the will. I feel that it is my fault that you lost your parents. I tried finding you at your former house, only to find out that you had sold your house, nowhere to be found. When you read this letter, you will be the new Director of my company. I want you to help me take care of this company, no matter what happened. My deepest apology to you, for making you go through so much trauma. You are the dearest in my life and i hope that whatever happen, you will be like you name, as pure as snow.

Your Dearest,
Uncle James


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