Saturday, February 25, 2006

Episode 2

Date: 24/2/05 23:46 [in fast-food restaurant]

Dear Diary,
I've been living in Auntie's house for more than a week. I have just left her house with my belongings. I do not wish to impose her any longer. Thus, i left the house while she went off to work in another family as a housekeeper. I do not know where i'm heading, so here i am in a fast-food restaurant, waiting for the heavy rain outside to stop, since then. Maybe i'm just finding trouble to leave Auntie's house, but i know that she's finding it hard to feed an additional mouth, and she won't accept the money i intended to give her for imposing her. I know that leaving Auntie is the right thing to do. But the problem is, i do not know where to stay now. I have no friends and never left home for so long. By letting a private tutor teach me since young, Mum and Dad had indirectly harmed me by making me too dependent on home. I'm so hungry. I had not had anything to eat since i left Auntie's house. But by buying food to eat, i will have less money to survive on. Till now did i understand the importance of money. When will the rain stop? The fast-food restaurant manager just told me that the restaurant is closing soon.


Date: 25/2/05 06:21 [at a bus-stop]

Dear Diary,
I slept at the beach last night after the rain stopped. The manager had kindly let me wait till the rain stop before closing the restaurant. The bench at the shelter is so hard that my whole body aches when i woke up. Auntie must be very worried about where am i, but i'm not going back. i sat on the beach and watched the sunrise before leaving the beach. It is so beautiful. Now, where am i supposed to go? During this time, i would be having my breakfast. But if i eat breakfast now, i'll be wasting more money. I'd rather not eat breakfast so that i can survive more days out here.


Date: 25/2/05 12:11 [in Henry's car]

Dear Diary,
I must have fainted just now while walking across the road and almost go hit by a car. When i woke up, the driver had helped me to the curb and checked if i'm alright. He found out that i've not eaten for the whole day and drove me to a restaurant for lunch. He introduced himself as Henry. That name is so familiar. I might have heard it somewhere. But he was quite quiet as i eat. I must have been gobbling up the food. The feeling of fullness is so comforting. He is now driving me to his house, where i can clean myself. I didn't realise how hideous i looked until i looked in the mirror at the restroom of the restaurant.


Date: 25/2/05 14:47 [in Henry's car, again]

Dear Diary,
You would not believe what had happened. After i cleansed and changed, Henry invited me to stay for dinner. I complied as i could save money in this way. Then, while walking past the kitchen, i saw Auntie! So the family she had been working as a housekeeper was Henry's family! Life is so extraordinary. In order not to meet Auntie again, i had starved myself and because i had starved myself, i met Henry and he brought me to his home and i met Auntie again. I heard Auntie cried out when she saw me and after she told me how much she worried for me, she pulled me to Henry and told him, "Master, this is the girl!". I did not understand what they were talking about but apparently, Henry understood and pulled me by the hand to his car. And now, Henry, Auntie and i are in his car, going to somewhere that i do not know but both of them knows.


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