Saturday, February 25, 2006

Episode 4

Date: 25/2/05 18:26 [in Henry's car, once again]

Dear Diary,
And so, now Henry is bringing me back his home, which will soon be my home to settle down. He did not say much in the car, but i'm wondering why Uncle James left his shares to me. He said in the letter about apologising for indirectly causing Mum and Dad's death, but it was i who made the wish every year, so shouldn't it be me that harmed Mum and Dad? I'm getting confused. There must be another reason, and i must find it out.


Date: 25/2/05 23:09 [in my new room]

Dear Diary,
Henry brought me to his home, no, should be my home, no, should be OUR home. Henry's mum, who told me to call her Aunt Sofia, welcomed me back quite dramatically. She told me to treat the house as my home and feel free to go to her when troubled. She introduced me to her two sons, Henry, whom i already knew, and Derek, who looked at me as if i'm the dirt on ground, but he looks so alike to Uncle James when the latter was young. She then brought me to a former-guest room which is my room from now onwards. We then had dinner. Aunt Sofia kept putting food on my bowl, until she realised that she had put too much when the food crashed down onto the table. Derek was sniggering and Henry looked like he was trying not to cook up a laugh. After dinner, i went back my new room to unpack my belongings. Henry informed me that tomorrow i'll have to go to the company to start my job as the Director.


It is past midnight and Henry woke up to get a cup of water. He saw YiHeng sleepwalking towards the kitchen. Just as he reached out his hand to pat her shoulder, YiHeng stopped walking and fall towards the ground. Luckily, Henry held on to her on time. He carried her in his arms and settled her onto the sofa bed before leaving her room.


Date: 26/2/05 06:17 [in my room on the sofa bed]

Dear Diary,
Now is still early morning but i'm already up. I didn't realise that my room faces the sea until this morning. It is so strange. Last night i'm still on my bed when i fell asleep, so why was i on the sofa bed when i awoke just now? I must have sleepwalked again. Lucky that i only walked to the sofa bed and not somewhere else outside. Oh, one of the maids is calling me to go down now.


Date: 26/2/05 10:55 [in Henry's car]

Dear Diary,
It's early morning and Henry took me out to redo my hair and buy new clothes that according to him, suitable for a director to wear. I thought the director gets to do and wear whatever he or she wants? When i looked into the mirror, i almost cried out in shock. My fringe was cut short and hair rebonded! Is that what's trendy now? I don't often go out in the past so i don't know. He even bought miscellaneous stuff like bags, handphone, and even gave me a credit card for me to buy whatever i want. And now, he's nagging about what am i supposed to and not supposed to do during the conference meeting. Oops. He saw what am i doing and gave me a what i call cold-glare. Better stop writing now.


Date: 26/2/05 11:38 [in my office]

Dear Diary,
It totally feels weird to be a Director. Everyone was like addressing me and Henry "Director" and "General Manager" as we walked towards my office. When i told Henry this, he says that after some time i'll get used to it. Oh, and we saw Derek. I didn't know he works in the company too. It turns out he's the Creative Manager, the department where new ideas come from. He was like laughing at my appearance. He is so unlike Uncle James, though they looked the same. When we reached my office, i must have gaped at how large the office is because when i turned to look at Henry, he got that half-smile look on his face. I really wonder why do my office have to be so big when there's only me in it. When i asked Henry, he only said that i'll know it in future, which is not answering my question. So here i am in the office, waiting for the conference to begin. Henry says that a secretary will come and inform to go to the conference room, which is so lame since i am already in the company and is free so why not wait in the conference room? Henry says that a Director never waits for her subordinates. I was like, "Why not?", but he replied that that's how things work here.


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